LET IT SNOW!!! This crazy winter finally gave way to some snow this past week! We want to thank the last two groups that made it out!! Thanks to our guests who attending our Winter Special & our "Animals in Winter" weekend! And also a big thank you to another successful workshop with Jeff Wendorff! We had a packed 8 days of filming, but the animals did great & consistently make us proud! Thanks to the snow, our arctic foxes (Honey & Jeff) had their winter and 2012 debut this morning, and those eyes on Honey are to die for!
Heather trying on Montana's
version of a Snuggie |
Nick & Otis right before
the snow really fell |
Filming or not, however, we're always at work...In fact, we even put our talent to work! Not sure how good of a job it is, but they try...so 'A' for effort!!!
Back in September, Canon Master of Light, Bruce Dorn, shot a promotional video with our trainer, Heather and our mountain lion cubs, Kali & Khia. Check it out!!!!